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Please see our FAQ's Page as the answer to your question may already be there!
LIVE CHAT 9:00am - 17:00pm (Mon - Fri)
Please note - During busy periods all hands are being used to help produce your arrangements, so live chat may be unavailable. Please send us an email and we'll get back to you asap!
- The easiest and quickest way to contact us! Get answers to your questions in real time by clicking the live chat icon in the bottom right of your screen!
Bespoke Arrangements
If you are looking for something special that we don't have available to purchase directly on the website. Please think about the following key factors before enquiring to us...
Rose Colours - You can have more than one colour if required. Use our rose colour chart to find the perfect combination.
Written Personalisations - We are able to write almost anything you'd like on our boxes (as long at it fits!) This is something that we'll need to check so please try include this when you first contact us.
Picture Personalisations - We are able to create most designs that display as a silhouette. Please bear in mind we're only able to personalise in one of the following colours - Gold, Rose Gold, Silver or Pearlescent